Patek Philippe Watches

Patek Philippe S.A. is a luxury Swiss watch and clock maker located in the Canton of Geneva and the Vallée de Joux. The company was established in 1839 and is named after founders, Antoni Patek and Adrien Philippe. Since 1932, it is owned by the Stern family in Switzerland, making it the last independent family-owned watch manufacturer in Geneva.

Patek Philippe is one of the world’s oldest watch manufacturers. It has an uninterrupted watchmaking history and is renowned for designing and producing timepieces, as well as movements, including some of the most complex mechanical watches. The company has over 400 retail locations worldwide and over a dozen distribution centres across North America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania.

Patek Philippe watches are widely recognised as one of the world’s most prestigious timepieces. As of July 2023, nine out of the top ten most expensive watches ever auctioned were made by Patek Philippe. The Patek Philippe Grandmaster Chime Ref. 6300A-010 holds the title for the most expensive watch sold at an auction, including wristwatches, for the price of US$31.19 million/31 million CHF/£25,166,265.

One of Patek Philippe’s company mottos is “You never actually own a Patek Philippe. You merely look after it for the next generation.” The slogan was introduced in 1966 when the company launched its “Generations” campaign.